
Session : "Energy and Computing in the Future"#

Talk 1: Sierd Cloetingh, President of AE, Professor of Tectonics, VU University Amsterdam
"Geothermal energy and the underlying geoscience base"

Talk 2: Sibylle Günter, Director, Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics, Garching/Greifswald
Fusion Energy - base load electricity for the second half of the century

Talk 3: Oskar Mencer, CEO, Maxeler Supercomputer Technologies, UK
From Big Data to Dataflow Computing

Talk 4: Rainer Blatt, Professor, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences
"The Quantum Way of Doing Computations"

Session : “Medicine of the Future”#

Talk 1: George Church, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Director of PersonalGenomes.org
"Big data driven medicine: Next generation sequencing and genome engineering"

Talk 2: Hans Lehrach, Professor for molecular genetics at Max Planck Institute, Berlin
"The virtual patient"

Talk 3: Claudio Luchinat, Center of Magnetic Resonance, University of Florence
"Metabolomics for preventive and personalized medicine"

Talk 4: Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Professor at Graz Medical University
"The microbiome ecosystem"

Talk 5: Jan-Eric Litton, Professor at Karolinska Institute and Director General of DG BBMRI-ERIC
"Life Sciences Research Infrastructures"

Talk 6: Kurt Zatloukal, MAE, Professor for Medicine, Graz Medical University
"Disruptive innovation in health care"

Session: “How Research and Science are going to change with new Technologies”#

Talk 1: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Professor at Oxford University
"Big Data and how it changes research

Talk 2: Hans Sünkel, MAE, Past president and Professor, Graz University of Technology
The Future of Research

Talk 3: Wolf-Tilo Balke, MAE, Professor at U. of Braunschweig and Director, L3S, Hannover
"Crowdsourcing, societal and research implications"

Talk 4: Nara Kulathuramaiyer, Dean, Computer Science, UNIMAS, Malaysia
How social networks will change research

Session: "The 100 Year Star Ship Project”#

Talk 1: Mae Jemsion, M.D., Principal, 100 Year Starship
The 100 Year Starship Project

Talk 2: Roya Ayazi, Nereus, General secretary

Talk 3: Dan Hanson, Founder, Technology Innovation Group

Talk 4: Kurt Zatloukal, Professor, Medical University Graz

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