!!Éva Kondorosi MAE joins the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

__Board Member of Academia Europaea, [Éva Kondorosi|Member/Kondorosi_Éva], has been appointed to the European Group of Chief Scientific Advisors.__
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[{Image src='AcademiaEuropaea_240918_Kondorosi_Eva_1024x683.jpg' caption='Éva Kondorosi at Academia Europaea’s 30th Anniversary Event, The Royal Society' height='400' alt='Eva Kondorosi' align='center'}]

!About Éva Kondorosi

Éva Kondorosi, a plant biologist from Hungary, is a Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina and the French Academy of Agriculture. Professor Kondorosi was elected to the Academia Europaea in 2010 and is an active and valued member of the Academy, serving on its Board of Trustees.

!Words of congratulations from Academia Europaea

[{Image src='Sierd-Cloetingh.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='Sierd Cloetingh' class='image_left'}]
Statement by the President of Academia Europaea, [Professor Sierd Cloetingh|Member/Cloetingh_Sierd]:
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“''Academia Europaea is very proud to see Professor Éva Kondorosi, prominent and active member of our Academy, appointed as new member of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission.
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Éva received the prestigious Balzan Prize in 2018 for her breakthrough discoveries in plant sciences and is member of numerous academies, including the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the German national academy Leopoldina, the U.S National Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of Agriculture and the European Academy of Microbiology. She has been serving the international scientific community in various functions, including Vice-Presidency of the ERC and Editorship of PNAS. She has been a champion in Widening European participation of researchers from less-research intensive countries in the European Research Area and in stimulating and supporting young researchers.
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She will bring with her appointment significant added value and commitment to the GCSA.''” 
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Eugene Kennedy, a physical scientist from Ireland and a Fellow of the Royal Irish Academy, has also been appointed to the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors. Professors Kondorosi and Kennedy will stay for a three-year term succeeding [Elvira Fortunato|Member/Fortunato_Elvira] MAE and [Janusz Bujnicki|Member/Bujnicki_Janusz] MAE, who have completed their terms.
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[Rolf-Dieter Heuer|Member/Heuer_Rolf-Dieter] MAE and [Pearl Dykstra|Member/Dykstra_Pearl] MAE will also leave at the end of their terms in November.  European scientific and research organisations have been invited to nominate outstanding candidates to the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors. More information can be found [here|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2020/04/07/group-of-chief-scientific-advisors-to-the-european-commission-call-for-nominations].