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!!“Open Session on EASAC’s Report on Neonicotinoids and their Substitutes in Sustainable Pest Control”
!EASAC's latest report on Neonicotinoids is presented to the public at a launch event at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the AE Budapest Hub
__Date:__ 29 March 2023, 10:00-12:00 hrs (CET)\\
__Venue:__ Palace of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as well as online via live streaming on [MTA’s YouTube Channel|https://www.youtube.com/c/MTA1825/featured]
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[EASAC|https://easac.eu], the [Hungarian Academy of Sciences|https://mta.hu/english] and the [AE Budapest Knowledge Hub|https://mta.hu/aebudapest] are co-organizing an __open session on EASAC’s report “Neonicotinoids and their substitutes in sustainable pest control”__. The report comes after an original report on a similar subject released in 2015, and it now summarizes the results of research accumulated over recent years. It is EASAC's Environment Steering Panel that has been in charge of the preparation of the report. The event will be held in Budapest, at the headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Széchenyi István tér 9, 1051 Budapest, Reading Room, 1st floor), on 29 March 2023, between 10:00-12:00 hrs (CET). EASAC’s “Neonics” project, according to the organization’s website, is issued at a point in time where “(d)ebate is underway on the sustainable use of pesticides, on how to evaluate the environmental risk of existing and new pesticides, and on adapting regulations with the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork, and Biodiversity strategies”. (Source: [https://easac.eu/publications/details/neonicotinoids-and-their-substitutes-in-sustainable-pest-control]).
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At the open session, EASAC’s experts will deliver presentations about the report which was released on 28 February 2023. The presentations will be followed by invited comments from Hungarian experts and a roundtable discussion. __The session will be moderated by the Hungarian science journalist István Palugyai.__
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The audience are welcome to attend in person at the venue, but the event will also be streamed live at the Hungarian Academy’s YouTube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/c/MTA1825]

10:00-10:10 __Greetings__ – ''Professor György Kosztolányi'', Vice-President of MTA and ''[Professor Lars Walløe|Member/Walløe_Lars]'', Chair of EASAC’s Environment Steering Panel
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10:10-10:30 __The process of EASAC report preparation__ – ''Lars Walløe'', Chair of EASAC’s Environment Steering Panel
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10:30-11:00 __Presentation of the “Neonics” Report__ – ''Mike Norton'', Programme Director, EASAC
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11:00-11:30 __Invited comments by:__

*__Professor Ervin Balázs__, Member of MTA, Section President of MTA’s Section of Agricultural Sciences

*__Professor László Hornok__, Member of MTA, Professor Emeritus at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

*__Professor András Székács__, Doctor of MTA, member of the Expert Group
11:30-11:50 __Round-table discussion__, __Q&A__
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11:50-12:00 __Wrap-up and closing of the session__ – ''Professor Lars Walløe'' and ''Professor György Kosztolányi''
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[Registration to the event|https://forms.gle/vQShr3xGE2Rp6odb7]\\
Download the [invitation|Open Session on Neonics Report_Invitation_March 29 2023 Budapest.pdf].
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