!!Public Humanities Mentoring Workshop
__Thursday, December 7, 2023, 4-5:30 pm EST__

Join us for an informal online workshop for new and recent directors and staff of centers and institutes engaged in or thinking about beginning public humanities work. The workshop will be led by __Teresa Mangum__ (Director, Obermann Center, University of Iowa), __Kylie Message-Jones__ (Director, ANU Humanities Research Centre), __Irena Polić__ (Managing Director, Humanities Institute, University of California Santa Cruz), and __Winnie Smith __(Associate Director, Willson Center, University of Georgia). Come for conversation, discussion and questions about public humanities projects and how they work.
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The workshop is free and everyone interested is welcome. Please [register|https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrd-6trDkiHtclW_yRDVZ6gp0DiqbLPZLq#/registration] to attend.
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