[{Image src='ProgrammaTNext2017.jpg' caption='' height='400' alt='ProgrammaTNext2017.jpg' class='image_right'}]
!!Trieste Next 2017: Sciences and the Sea workshop
!!“Navigations of Thought: Seas of Knowledge, Lands of Truth or Illusion?”(Navigazioni del pensiero: mari del sapere, terre di verità o d’illusione)
__September 23, 2017__\\
__9.30-11:15, Museo Revoltella Auditorium, Trieste__
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[Cinzia Ferrini|Member/Ferrini_Cinzia] (University of Trieste, MAE) designed a philosophical workshop for the research festival Trieste Next  2017: “Sciences and the Sea”, entitled “''Navigations of Thought: Seas of Knowledge, Lands of Truth or Illusion?''”(Navigazioni del pensiero: mari del sapere, terre di verità o d’illusione), which will take place on September 23
(9.30-11:15, Museo Revoltella Auditorium, Trieste). Her talk considers the use of nautical metaphors to describe aims, achievements, and dangers of empirical and rational knowledge as viewed in the history of modern philosophy from Bacon to Kant. [Wolfgang Pross|Member/Pross_Wolfgang] (Emeritus, University of Bern, MAE), will speak on the extraordinary richness of the organic world and the history of mankind in respect to the early modern standards of knowledge realized by the scientific turn in the Enlightenment, a discovery  opening new vistas in the sea of knowledge. Finally, Giovanni Bonacina (University of Urbino) will intervene on the meaning of the sea and the maritime human activities within Hegel's philosophy of universal history. 
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