![FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY|https://aebarcelona.eu/en/frontiers-of-science-and-technology-in-society]
!!Understanding the brain: neurobiology or neuro computer sciences?

__Time:__ 4th of October 2023, from 18.00 to 19,30 h.\\
__Venue:__ Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona (RACAB)\\
La Rambla, 115, 08002 Barcelona
WEB Seminar ID: 867 1129 7267\\
Access: 332390

![Event website|https://aebarcelona.eu/en/events] 
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Starting with the work of Cajal more than 100 years ago, neuroscience has sought to understand how the cells of the brain give
rise to cognitive functions. How far has neuroscience and more precisely neurobiology, progressed in this endeavour? On the
other side, to learn how cognition is implemented in the brain, computational neuroscience has built computational models that
can perform cognitive tasks, and test such models with brain and behavioural experiments.
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Neurobiology, psychology and computational neurosciences are different approaches to the study of the brain, even if the Human
Brain Project (funded by the European Union) has mainly invested in computational aspects. Deciding where to allocate funding
for brain research between neurobiology and computational neuroscience depends on various factors, including research goals,
available expertise, technological advancements, and the specific questions being pursued. Where are we now? Is there a conflict
or is there a balanced approach that supports collaboration between these fields?__
!Invited speakers/discussants:

[Mara Dierssen, MAE|Member/Dierssen_Mara], [Center for Genome Regulation|https://www.crg.eu], Barcelona\\
Gustavo Deco, ICREA at UPF, [Center of Brain and Cognition|https://www.upf.edu/web/cbc], Barcelona

NĂºria Sebastian, UPF, Barcelona

!!We hope you will join us!
\\For further information: [aebarcelona@fundaciorecerca.cat|mailto:aebarcelona@fundaciorecerca.cat]\\Download the [invitation|InvitacioFrontiers04-10-2023online1.pdf].
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__All Scientifics Dialogues will be also held at the RACAB and by zoom:__
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__8%%sup th/% of November:__\\
WEB Seminar ID: 883 5922 1868\\
Access: 200070
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__22%%sup nd/% of November:__\\
WEB Seminar ID: 882 1713 2118\\
Access: 993829
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__13%%sup th/% of December:__\\
WEB Seminar ID: 818 7177 3243\\
Access: 941339 

__With the collaboration of:__
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