[{Image src='CEU-Vienna-Campus_small.jpg' caption='Central European University, Vienna, Austria' height='350' alt='Central European University' class='image_left'}]
!!Virtual Workshop on COVID-19
__November 23, 2020, 9 am to 5 pm, CET – Vienna time__\\
[Event website|https://glabor.org/november-23-2020-vienna-covid-19-virtual-workshop-of-the-academia-europaea-ae-section-economics-business-and-management-sciences-hosted-by-the-central-european-university-ceu]
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__Hosted by the [Central European University|https://www.ceu.edu] (CEU) and its [CEU School of Public Policy|https://www.ceu.edu/unit/spp] (Vienna/Austria), the AE Section “[Economics, Business and Management Sciences|Acad_Main/Sections/Economics_Business_and_Management_Sciences]” of the __Academia Europaea__ (AE) holds a virtual Workshop on COVID-19 on November 23, 2020, 9 am to 5 pm, CET – Vienna time. The event is supported by the [Global Labor Organization|https://glabor.org] (GLO).__ 
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__Interested MAE members are invited to attend.__
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!Read the [final report|https://glabor.org/covid-19-virtual-workshop-of-the-academia-europaea-ae-section-economics-business-and-management-sciences-took-place-on-november-23-2020-hosted-by-the-central-eu] of the workshop

__Starting at 9.00 am__: Informal get together, flexible entry….

Moderator of the event: __Ingy Kassem__ (Central European University, ''Executive Assistant to the Head of the School of Public Policy'')
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__NOTE:__ __Ingy Kassem__ will announce the program parts. The session chairs will briefly announce the speakers. The speakers will upload their presentations and share screens. 20 minutes presentation. 10 minutes discussion. Ingy will help with communicating the questions. Breaks are for intense communication. You need to bring your food and drinks…. The meeting is internal on invitation only. It will be not recorded.
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__9.30 am:__ [Klaus F. Zimmermann|Member/Zimmermann_Klaus] (MAE, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & GLO):\\ __Welcome of the Section Chair__
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__9.35 – 9.50 am:__ [Martin Kahanec|Member/Kahanec_Martin] (MAE, Central European University, Acting Dean of CEU School of Public Policy):\\ __Welcome of the Host & and CEU Business__
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__9.50 – 10.40 am:__ [Graziella Bertocchi|Member/Bertocchi_Graziella] (MAE, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia):\\
__COVID-19, Race, and Redlining__\\
Chair: [Andreu Mas-Colell|Member/Mas-Colell_Andreu] (MAE, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
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__10.40 – 10.50 am:__ ”Water, Coffee, Tea, Cookies” (virtual, bring your selection)
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__10.50 – 11.40 am:__ [Matthias Sutter|Member/Sutter_Matthias] (MAE, University of Cologne & Max-Planck Bonn):\\
__Nudging or Paying? Evaluating the effectiveness of measures to contain COVID-19 in rural Bangladesh in a randomized controlled trial.__\\
Chair: [Reinhilde Veugelers|Member/Veugelers_Reinhilde] (MAE, University of Leuven)
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''__11.40 – 11.50 am:__ “Water, Coffee, Tea, Fruits” (virtual, bring your selection)''
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__11.50am – 12.40 pm:__ __Anil Duman__ (Guest, Central European University):\\
__Wage Losses and Inequality in Developing Countries: labor market and distributional consequences of COVID-19 lockdowns in Turkey__\\
Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann (MAE, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & GLO)
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''__12.40 – 13.50 pm:__ Lunch with 3 random “seat” allocations….  (virtual, bring your food and drinks)''
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__13.50 – 14.40 pm:__ [Peter Nijkamp|Member/Nijkamp_Peter] (MAE, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam):\\
__Corona Impacts on the Hospitality Market. A Space-time Economic Roller-Coaster Analysis__\\
Chair: Martin Kahanec (MAE,  Central European University)
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__14.40 – 14.50 pm:__ “Water, Coffee, Tea, Cookies” (virtual, bring your selection)
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__14.50 – 15.40 pm:__ [Luiz Moutinho|Member/Moutinho_Luiz] (MAE, University of Suffolk):\\
__Artificial Intelligence and Control of COVID-19__\\
Chair: [Mirjana Radovic-Markovic|Member/Radovic-Markovic_Mirjana] (MAE, Institute of Economic Sciences)
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''__15.40 – 15.50 pm:__ “Conference picture – group photo”''
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__15.50 – 16.40 pm:__ __Marcella Alsan__ (Guest, Harvard University):\\
__Civil Liberties in Times of Crises__\\
Chair: [Amelie Constant|Member/Constant_Amelie] (MAE, Princeton University)
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__16.40 – 16.50 pm:__ Final remarks: Martin Kahanec & Klaus F. Zimmermann
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__16.50 – 17.00 pm:__ “__After the hour__”: Section Committee only. Group photo.

The end


[{Image src='Alsan-Marcella.jpg' caption='Marcella Alsan' height='200' alt='Marcella Alsan'}]
[{Image src='Bertocchi_Graziella_small.jpg' caption='Graziella Bertocchi' height='200' alt='Graziella Bertocchi'}]
[{Image src='Constant-Amelie.jpg' caption='Amelie Constant' height='200' alt='Amelie Constant'}]
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[{Image src='Duman-Anil.jpg' caption='Anil Duman' height='200' alt='Anil Duman'}]
[{Image src='Kahanec-Martin.jpg' caption='Martin Kahanec' height='200' alt='Martin Kahanec'}]
[{Image src='Mas-Colell-Andreu.jpg' caption='Andreu Mas-Colell' height='200' alt='Andreu Mas-Colell'}]
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[{Image src='Moutinho-Luiz.jpg' caption='Luiz Moutinho' height='200' alt='Luiz Moutinho'}]
[{Image src='Nijkamp-Peter.jpg' caption='Peter Nijkamp' height='200' alt='Peter Nijkamp'}]
[{Image src='RadovicMirjana.jpg' caption='Mirjana Radovic-Markovic' height='200' alt='Mirjana Radovic-Markovic'}]
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[{Image src='Sutter-Matthias.jpg' caption='Matthias Sutter' height='200' alt='Matthias Sutter'}]
[{Image src='Veugelers-Reinhilde.jpg' caption='Reinhilde Veugelers' height='200' alt='Reinhilde Veugelers'}]
[{Image src='Zimmermann-Klaus-F.-1478x1536.jpg' caption='Klaus F. Zimmermann' height='200' alt='Klaus F. Zimmermann'}]
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