!!Dennis Brown - Publications
h index = 88\\
i10 index 323\\
Overall citations 25,862\\
Selected papers and reviews responsible for the international reputation of Dr. Dennis Brown in the field of renal epithelial cell physiology and function spanning from early career up to recent contributions.\\
Verkman, A., Lencer, W., Brown, D. and Ausiello, D. A. 1988. Collecting tubule endosomes contain  the  vasopressin-sensitive  water channel. Nature, 333: 268-269.\\
Brown, D., Hirsch, S. and Gluck, S. 1988. An H+ATPase is present in opposite plasma  membrane  domains  in  subpopulations  of  kidney epithelial cells. Nature, 331:622-624.\\
Hurtado-Lorenzo, A., Skinner, M., El Annan, J., Futai, M., Sun-Wada, G. H., Bourgoin, S., Casanova, J., Wildeman, A., Bechoua, S., Ausiello, D. A., Brown, D. and Marshansky, V. 2006. V-ATPase interacts with ARNO and Arf6 in early endosomes and regulates the protein degradative pathway. Nat. Cell Biol. 8: 124-136.\\
Lu, H. A. J., Sun, T-X., Yi X-H., Bouley, R., McLaughlin, M., Van Hoek, A. and Brown, D. 2007. Heat-shock protein 70 interacts with aquaporin-2 and regulates its trafficking. J. Biol. Chem., 282: 28721-28732.\\
Shum, W. W. C., Da Silva, N., McKee, M., Smith, P. J. S., Brown, D. and Breton, S. 2008. Epithelial basal cells are luminal hormone sensors. Cell, 135: 1108-1117.\\
Miranda, K. C., Bond, D. T., McKee, M., Skog, J., Paunescu, T. G., DaSilva, N., Brown, D. and Russo, L. M. 2010. Nucleic acids within urinary microvesicles as potential biomarkers for renal disease. Kidney Int. 78: 191-199.\\
Brown, D., Bouley, R., Paunescu, T. G., Breton, S. and Lu, H. A. 2012. New insights into the dynamic regulation of water and acid/base balance by renal epithelial cells. Am. J. Physiol. 302: C1421-C1433.\\
Merkulova, M., Paunescu, T. G., Azroyan, A., Marshansky, V., Breton, S. and Brown, D. 2015. Mapping the H+(V)-ATPase interactome: identification of proteins involved in trafficking, folding, assembly and phosphorylation. Nature Scientific Reports 5: 14827. \\
Roy, J., Kim, B., Hill, E., Visconti, P., Krap, D., Vinegoni, C., Weissleder, R., Brown, D. and Breton, S. 2016. Tyrosine-kinase mediated axial motility of basal cells revealed by intravital imaging. Nature Communications 7: 10666 (PMCID: PMC4754344).\\
Cheung, P. W., Nomura, N., Nair, A. V., Pathomthongtaweechai, N., Ueberdiek, L., Lu, H. A. J., Brown, D. and Bouley, R. 2016. EGF receptor inhibition by erlotinib increases AQP2-mediated water reabsorption. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 27: 3105-3116.