!!!H. Fahrettin Kelestemur
[{Image src='Kelestemur_Fahrettin.jpg'  alt='H. Fahrettin Kelestemur' height='200'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2018 Medical director of Yeditepe University
*2015 Board member of Pituitary Society
*2015 President, Health Institutes of Turkey, Ankara
*2008 - 2015 Rector, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2006 Member of Advisory committee, Europaea Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS)
*2012 Permanent member, Turkish Academy of Science (TUBA)
*2012 PCOS Group member of special interest, European Society of Endocrinology, (ESE)
*2006 - 2008 President of Society, Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolism Socienty
*2008 Charter member, Natioanl Neuroendocrinology Society
*2002 - 2006 Member of Board, Diabetes, Obesity and Nutrition Society
*2005 - 2009 Board member, European Society of Endocrinology,  (ESE)
*2008 - 2012 Training Committee member, European Society of Endocrinology, (ESE)
*2004 - 2006 Board Member, European Neuroendocrinology Association, (ENEA)
*2014 TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Science Award
*2013 Bayindir Health Group, Bayindir Medicine Awards, Science Award
*2011 British Society for Neuroendocrinology, (BSN), Award lecture
*2008 The Turkish Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Science Award
*1992 Lilly-Mustafa Nevzat Diabetology Award
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Kelestemur_Fahrettin/CV]
[{Image src='User/book_48.png' class='image_left'}]
[Publication list|User/Kelestemur_Fahrettin/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Kelestemur_Fahrettin/Highlight]
[{Image src='User/database_48.png' class='image_left'}]
[Other information|User/Kelestemur_Fahrettin/OtherInformation]

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