!!Cezary Madryas - Biography
Professor Cezary Madryas studied at the Faculty  of Civil Engineering at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (1971 - 1976). He won his doctor’s degree in 1982; in 1993 he defended his habilitation thesis. In 2003 he became Professor of Technical Sciences, and since 2007 he has been working as full professor. He was director of the Civil Engineering Institute of Wrocław University of Science and Technology (2002 - 2005), dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (2005 - 2008), and since 2014 he holds the chair of Structural Mechanics and Municipal Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. He is a senator of Wrocław University of Science and Technology (since 2002), he was vice-rector for Development (2008 - 2016). Afterwards, on 1st September 2016 he was elected Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.\\
Professor Madryas has authored or co-authored 480 scientific articles and reports documented in the DONA system, including over 170 published scientific articles (65 of them are on international scale) as well as 290 reports on research for the benefit of domestic economy (SPR reports). These numbers, that define the breakdown of Professor’s scientific and technological achievements, leave no doubt that his professional activities are aimed at aiding the development of Polish economy, which is enhanced by professor’s awards and honourable rewards received from relevant ministries. \\
Moreover, Professor is the author or co-author of eight books: four monographs and four academic books, of which Mikrotunelowanie [[Microtunneling], Konstrukcje przewodów kanalizacyjnych [[Structures of Sewage Ducts] or Tunele wieloprzewodowe [[Utility Tunnels] have become basic textbooks for the construction and environment protection faculty students at Polish universities. \\
The majority of Professor’s research focuses on construction, modernization and renovation of urban underground infrastructure. He has been conducting this research in most of the Polish cities (Gdańsk, Katowice, Kraków, Poznań, Olsztyn, Szczecin, Toruń, Warszawa, Wrocław and many others). He has been successful in implementing new trenchless technologies. In this respect he is renowned nationwide. \\
Professor supervised six successfully defended doctoral theses and he is currently aiding four doctoral students. He has written numerous reviews of doctoral and habilitation theses and evaluated the scientific achievement of candidates who were to be nominated as professors or awarded the honorary degree of doctor honoris causa. He has reviewed many monographs and academic handbooks; also a large number of articles and papers for technical and scientific magazines, including three that feature in the citation index of the Institute for Scientific Information (Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Water Research, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering), and in such foreign periodicals as Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Water Science or The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Transaction. He is on the editorial staff of Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Trenchless Engineering and Geoengineering.\\
The achievements of Professor Madryas made him a renowned and highly respected authority among both scientists and engineers. He was elected twice to the position of vice-president of the Civil and Water Engineering Committee of PAN [[the Polish Academy of Sciences], four times to the position of a member of this Committee, and twice the president of the Civil Engineering and Mechanics Commission of PAN, branch in Wrocław as well as vice-president of the Geotechnics and Underground Infrastructure Section of the Civil Engineering Committee of PAN. For many years he held the position of vice-president of the Underground Works Subcommittee of the Polish Geotechnics Committee of the Chief Technical Organization associated with International Tunnelling Association and president of the Wrocław branch of the Science Commission of the Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians. Since 2002 he is the president of the Polish Association of Trenchless Technologies. He is also a co-founder of the Lower Silesian Chamber of Civil Engineers, where he was elected to the position of vice-president for the years 2006 - 2010. Professor Madryas is a member of the European Forum on Underground Construction.As the Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology he is a Presidium member of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP).\\ \\