My passion to serve the research community: an interview with Academia Europaea’s new President, Professor Marja Makarow#
In her first interview since becoming President of Academia Europaea, Professor Marja Makarow tells us about her leadership roles and sets out some of her priorities for Academia Europaea.
About Professor Marja Makarow MAE#
Professor Marja Makarow is a Molecular Cell Biologist. She has been Director of Biocenter Finland, Vice-President of the Finnish Research Council - Academy of Finland
, Vice-Rector of the University of Helsinki
and Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation
. Professor Makarow advised the EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation in the European Research Area
Board, and the Finnish Government in the Council for Research and Innovation Policy. She is a Board member of the European Innovation Council
and former member of the Governing Board of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology
. She has served as President of the European Molecular Biology Conference
and delegate of Finland in the council of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory
, and she established the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland
. Professor Makarow was elected to the Academia Europaea in 2009. Her term as AE President commenced on 1st January 2022.
The interview#
Tell us a little about your background and the key highlights from your career so far that have led you to your new role as Academia Europaea’s President.
After completing a PhD at the University of Helsinki

As Vice-President for Research, Researcher Training and Innovation, the focus on my own research expanded into a passion to serve the research community at large. I became inspired by all the disciplines at my university, and learnt to appreciate their distinct research cultures and outcomes.
As a consequence, I decided to make a career shift to positions where I could serve researchers of all disciplines, at both a national and European level. I moved to Strasbourg to serve as Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation

Over the years, I have contributed to the establishment, governance, management and evaluation of many research universities. I have given advice on science policy to the EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Finnish Government. I have undertaken assessments of national research and innovation systems and of research funding organisations. I have also evaluated research proposals – for example, as panel chair of the ERC Starting Grants programme.”
As the new President of Academia Europaea, what are your priorities and ambitions for the Academy over the next few years?
Another form of diversity concerns research collaboration across the major disciplines. This has inherent value, as new ideas tend to emerge at the borders of disciplines. For example, researchers who provide technological solutions in the natural, life and engineering sciences need to work as equal peers with scholars in the social sciences and humanities. They are experts in how individuals behave and how societies work, and new solutions are only viable when adopted by citizens and society.
We still have to work on our mindset, to acknowledge and appreciate research cultures and outcomes in those disciplines that are not our own. Our university system is the second oldest viable institution after the Catholic Church, and only renews itself slowly. Multi-disciplinary research is still difficult to embrace at an institutional level, due to the traditional mono-disciplinary faculty/department structure.
Supporting the next generation of researchers must remain a priority for Academia Europaea. Therefore, our collaboration with the Young Academy of Europe

One more priority I wish to focus on is the translation of research findings into benefits for society. Research in Europe is financed mostly with public money, and therefore the findings are a public good. I believe it is the research community’s social responsibility to give back to society. The impact of research findings can be defined by their beneficial effect on society, culture, the economy, public policy, services, health, the environment and quality of life. Therefore, all scientific and scholarly disciplines have an impact on society.
The Technology Academy Finland

Finally, I wish to strengthen and consolidate the Academy’s relationships with the most relevant bodies at the European Commission. The Trustees of the Academia Europaea Board and a number of MAEs are current and former members of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

These priorities have a common denominator; they cannot be realised without the Principal Investigator and their publicly-funded research. The balance in Horizon Europe

Academia Europaea has played a key role in SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) over the past five years, and you were part of the SAPEA Making Sense of Science for Policy Working Group. Why do you feel science advice of this kind so important?
“Science advice is one form of the research community’s impact on society. Climate change and the COVID pandemic are examples of how important it is for policymakers to take evidence-informed decisions. And the evidence naturally comes from the latest knowledge that the research community has produced.
The Academy’s community, with its network of Regional Knowledge Hubs, has the authority, credibility and pan-European breadth to deliver independent and unbiased collective expertise and advice for policymakers. Academia Europaea, together with SAPEA

In Finland, the Prime Minister’s Office asked the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

You’ve been a champion for women in STEM and spoken about the impact of persistent gender stereotypes. What are the notable changes you have seen during your career in terms of gender equality and what are your hopes for the next generation of female scientists?
According to the European Commission’s She Figures 2021

This results in the underrepresentation of women as heads of research funding agencies and bodies that advise national governments on science policy and the funding of universities and R&D activities. For me, gender and other forms of diversity such as discipline, career age and cultural background are not the final aim, but serve as a tool to increase collective intelligence. And sharing power means sharing responsibility.
In 2021, the percentage of female members of Academia Europaea was 17.8%. Of the 23 Sections, four had a female chair. Consequently, of the 11 members of the Board of Trustees, only two were women.
The progress of women’s representation in all societal sectors is not one of continuous progress year-on-year. Instead, change advances much more slowly, manifested as generational steps forward. This is showcased by the Young Academy of Europe

My hope for the future is that national decision-makers will follow the example of the European Commission and take measures to support the closing of persisting gender gaps. One specific case is the low number of women in STEM professions and research. This means that women are underrepresented in the most rapidly growing sector of the job market. Women are almost invisible in the innovation and patenting arenas, with a few shining exceptions such as recent winners of global innovation prizes.
The reasons behind girls avoiding STEM subjects are difficult to address. The 2018 PISA study

My final comment concerns the future of Europe. The rise of wellbeing and living standards has depended and will continue to depend on research and innovation. Future scientific discoveries are in the hands of the next generation of researchers, and the working conditions that enable their success. It is unacceptable that a tenth of our early-career researchers work under precarious contracts. Sustainable research career paths are urgently needed, requiring the revisiting of research assessment and grant evaluation practices and criteria, as well as institutional reforms in many universities.”
*27 member states plus the UK
More from Professor Makarow#
At Academia Europaea’s annual conference in October 2021, Professor Makarow introduced herself to the membership and highlighted her priorities for the academy. You can watch her talk here.